Sales Pro Impact


Frequently Asked Questions

Schedule a free 15-minute virtual meeting to learn more about the program and services.

The process starts with a Comprehensive Sales & Marketing Process Review which starts with a deep dive into a company’s sales and marketing operations. The cost of this service is $1,000. From there, we will make recommendations of things your company can implement right away and will quote services we can provide on a project or ongoing basis.
We work with companies where the owner is a one-person business all the way up to companies that have 10 salespeople. We work across all industries and verticals and have specific strategies for various businesses.
It varies depending on the extent of the work needed and the size of the business. There are no overnight fixes and we move as fast or slow to make continuous improvement while staying within your budget.
We set up a 90-minute meeting to better understand your companies’ sales and marketing related items such as: Lead Generation, Lead Scoring, Marketing, Sales Onboarding, Hiring and Candidate Testing, Compensation Plans, Microscripts, Sales Meetings, Sales Training, Sales Coaching, Customer Relationship Management (CRM), Website Review, Social Media, Artificial Intelligence (AI), Software and Sales Process.
Having a fractional sales manager allows the business owner to concentrate on what they do best; creating their vision and handling the high priority tasks for the business. A Fractional Sales Manager provides the framework and accountability for sales.
Sales Pro Impact provides a Comprehensive Sale & Marketing Process Review.
No. For project-based services we provide a quote that will give a cost and time frame to complete. The cost is billed monthly and can be stopped at any time with 30 days’ notice. For ongoing Fractional Sales Management services, we bill monthly and can be canceled with 30 days’ notice.
Sales Pro Impact primarily covers Kenosha County (WI), Racine County (WI), and Lake County (IL) although will consider other locations on a case-by-case basis.