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What is Fractional Sales Management?

I often get asked "What is Fractional Sales Management?" from many friends, family and prospects. It's a newer term and concept that is growing quickly.

Fractional Sales Management allows small to mid-size companies, non-profits and start-ups the ability to bring a superstar sales manager into their organization at a “fraction” of a normal $150K-$200K salary. The Fractional Sales Manager provides the structure and leadership for the sales team on a part time basis while lower impact activities are performed by lower cost employees.
Aside from the experience and value of a Fractional Sales Manager, below are some additional reasons why companies would choose a fractional over a full-time sales manager.
Owner is acting as Sales Manager – In smaller companies, employees wear may hats. The best use of an owner’s time is making high level decisions that affect the business, not managing a sales team. Often, the owner does not have a sales background and is leaving money on the table.
Reduced risk – Making the wrong choice with a full-time sales manager can be very costly. Hiring a Fractional Sales Manager gives the company the flexibility to try something new to boost their sales without making a long-term commitment to a full-time sales manager.
What is Fractional Sales Management
Access to a larger network – Fractional Sales Managers work with multiple companies which can help provide best practices from other companies and connections.
Faster Results – A Fractional Sales Leader only concentrates on the highest impact sales related activities.
Cost Savings – Companies are not only paying for a portion of the Fractional Sales Managers time, but they also save in terms of payroll tax, benefits and bonuses.

Flexibility – Fractional Sales Managers can assist in varying ways. For companies interested in quick change, a Fractional Sales Manager can invest more time to fast track a project. Conversely, another company may want a slower change at a lower cost to match budgets.

Hiring a Fractional Sales Manager does not make sense for all businesses, but it is an emerging trend with other roles like Fractional CFO or Fractional HR manager. It allows companies with smaller budgets access to top talent that only the Fortune 500 companies have had access to previously.
If you want to learn more, go to and schedule a 10–15-minute introductory Google Meet call to discuss in more detail.